HUQT Board
Neeyanth Kopparapu
Neeyanth is a senior in Mather studying Applied Math and Economics. He has previously worked at Jane Street and Meta Research, and loves running, playing frisbee, and traveling!
Ziyong Cui
Ziyong is a senior in Mather studying Math. He enjoys playing soccer, reading, and sleeping early.
Director of Engagement
Helen Xiao
Helen is a junior living in Eliot House concentrating in Statistics with a secondary in Computer Science. On campus, Helen is also involved in HUWIB, HAUSCR, and Datamatch. In her free time, Helen enjoys running, swimming, and watching nfl games.
Director of Technology
Lauren Chen
Lauren is a senior in Mather studying Mathematics and Statistics. Outside of HUQT, Lauren is involved with AADT, HUMA, and WiCS. In her free time, she likes trying new restaurants, rock climbing, and dancing.
Director of Education (Trading Games)
Dylan Hu
Dylan is a senior in Winthrop House from the Chicagoland area. At Harvard, he studies Statistics and Government with interests in data science, politics, and law. In his free time, he enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling, and asking ChatGPT to write funny poems and songs.
Director of Education (Projects)
Jeffrey Wang
Jeffrey is a junior in Lowell studying Computer Science, Math, and English. He loves visiting the outdoors and has a propensity for becoming a persona non grata at world heritage sites.
Director of Finance
Jason Tang
Jason is a junior in Pfoho studying Math and Computer Science. He enjoys following professional sports, playing pickup basketball, and eating lots of food at new restaurants.
Director of Professional Development
Angelina Zhang
Angelina is a senior in Currier House concentrating in Mathematics with a secondary in Economics. Outside of quant, she enjoys reading, hiking, and visiting museums.
Harvard Undergraduate Quantitative Traders
©2023 by Harvard Undergraduate Quantitative Traders.